NZ Linz update

July 2023


Linz July update published June 16th 2023  (yearly base) 

Today NZ Linz charts (197 charts / 348 including sub-charts) are displayed in the GeoGarage platform.

Note :  LINZ produces official nautical charts to aid safe navigation in New Zealand waters and certain areas of Antarctica and the South-West Pacific.

These updates are automatically viewable on mobile applications :

Using charts safely involves keeping them up-to-date using Notices to Mariners & AT Local NTMs
Reporting a Hazard to Navigation - H Note :
Mariners are requested to advise the New Zealand Hydrographic Authority at LINZ of the discovery of new or suspected dangers to navigation, or shortcomings in charts or publications.

Legal status : For compliance with New Zealand legal requirements for nautical charts and publications please refer to Maritime Rules Part 25.

Further details are included in the Annual New Zealand Notices to Mariners, No.1 which can be found in the New Zealand Nautical Almanac (NZ 204) and on the LINZ website.